It begins... again. After the dismal performance of last years crop, I was not highly motivated to grow tomatoes this year. But with the coming of the warm weather and the racks of seedlings on display at Bunnings, I am compelled to plant again. As usual I'm hunting around for a place where I haven't grown tomatoes before so that the soil isn't full of tomato viruses and anthrax etc. This bed next to the house has never been used and required days of digging and extracting cooch grass to get it into a fit state. Not too mention finding and excuse to use my new 9 inch angle grinder to get rid of some excess concrete!

This year my approach is a bit different. I'm not wasting tons of money on snooty San Marzano seedlings just because they ripen square so you can pack them into a box. I'm getting punnets of garden variety Roma and Grosse Lisse and rearing them on Powerfeed and Seasol in individual pots so they can develop strong roots. Hoping to have about twenty plants this year in two long beds.

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