Friday, February 4, 2011


You're never alone when you're night gardening. As the weather has got warmer over the last few weeks I've started encountering manner of creepy things. Here's the first skink i've come across. The rendered wall must be an optimum surface for their suction feet.

This Prey Mantis seriously wanted to kick my ass. This was the first of a series of photos I took and the only one with flash. I think that must have shat him off because he turned towards me, outstretched his arms and started dancing back and forth. Mantises are interesting because they definitely register and react to your presence. I left him to guard my Jalapenos.

He's commin for me!

This is literally the mother of all Golden Orbs. I've been watching this one fatten up for a few months now and am well practiced at not walking into her web as that would be a brown trousers experience indeed. If you happen to be out around dusk when they spin their webs its quite a sight.

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